Picture- WSS Violin Choir at the White House.


All private lessons are taught at Marissa Murphy’s home studio in Chevy Chase, MD.  All group classes are held at the National Presbyterian Church in Northwest Washington DC.

Tuition rates and policies will be provided upon request.

Lesson Make-up Policy

Lessons missed by Marissa will be rescheduled or credited to tuition.

There are no tuition refunds for student withdrawal from the studio.

Lessons missed because of birthday parties, school activities, vacations or parent scheduling conflicts will not be made up.

Marissa has a demanding performance schedule in addition to teaching, which limits flexibility to reschedule lessons to alternate times.

If you know in advance that you need to miss a lesson, please try to switch lesson times with another family. If you do switch lesson times, please let Marissa know.

Studio Guidelines

A few guidelines will help lessons run smoothly and clarify logistics around private lessons.

Students should come prepared to all lessons and classes with instrument, music, and related supplies.

Cars should be parked in front of the house, not in the driveway.

All people entering the house should remove their shoes and place them on the shoe mat.

Coats should be hung on the coat rack in the front hall.

Students may bring only water into the studio—no food or other beverages.

Please note especially that the foyer, bathroom, and studio room are the only public areas in Marissa’s home. The rest of the home is private space and is not open to students and families.


Students are required to attend all studio events. These include private and group lessons, all studio rehearsals and concerts, and any “special/enrichment” studio events.

Group Classes

Students at all levels are required to participate in all group classes. Group classes are used to study crucial musical skills such as phrasing, dynamics, performing with others, performing in front of others, following a leader, effective rehearsal techniques, and most importantly–learning how to work and achieve with a team.

Snow Day Policy

Lessons and classes will be canceled only when there are 4 or more inches of snow.

Marissa will text, e-mail or call students and parents about snow-related cancellations, whenever possible.

WSS will not follow the school closing policy of DC Public Schools or Montgomery County Public Schools.